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Questions are often raised lovebird breeder

There are some questions are often raised lovebird breeder

Question: How long does it take lovebird eggs could hatch?
Answer: Normally, the incubation period of about 21 days lovebird, but after a count is not calculated from when the bird began to spawn, but when the bird is mengeraminya up the process of incubation of the eggs, and that's why the incubation period is usually a little long so usually menetasnya this egg will last from 21 days to 20 days. and if after 30 days the eggs were also hatched, the eggs are better discarded the possibility that the embryo is dead kareatau eggs failed to hatch.

Question: What can be done if the parent does not want to take care of her son
Answer: There are several ways to deal with breeders who do not care bayiya, the first is that you can leave an abandoned baby to the couple who have a puppy of the same age. if there is no second way is to give handfeeding or overfeed the baby.

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