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Pet Birds’ Basic Needs

Parrots are just some of the birds that are usually selected as pets. Parrots, aside from having beautiful colors that are nice to look at, can perform tricks that are fun to watch. And since they give us fun and enjoyment, it is also but proper to take care of them well.

Here is a bird care guide that you can follow. This bird care guide is not only for parrots but for other types as well.

  • Select the type of housing that you would like for your pet to have. Birds can be kept in cages or in aviaries. Cages are smaller and more restrictive than aviaries. But you can select a cage that is big enough for your pet to spread its wings and take short flights. Aviaries can be indoors or outdoors. Indoor aviaries are good in the sense that they can be ‘controlled.’ Temperature can be adjusted to a level that would suit the birds best. Lighting and humidity can also be placed at a level that you prefer. Outdoor aviaries give birds a more ‘natural’ feel. They can be designed to mimic the birds’ natural environment. However, natural conditions cannot be easily controlled. You may need a place to transfer them during harsh weather conditions.
  • Choose the best diet for your pets. They can be fed with seeds or formulated foods or a mixture of both. Needed nutrients can be provided by these foods. But if they are not complete, supplements can be given to keep bird in optimum health. Birds can also be fed with fruits and vegetables. They provide important nutrients like phytonutrients that boost their immune system. With these, certain diseases can be prevented and healing can be hastened.
  • Give your pets direct attention. There are birds that like to be cuddled so take time to take them out of their cages and pet them. Others like parrots like to be ‘talked’ to so go and talk them. Others are good performers so teach them some tricks.
  • This bird care guide will not be complete without looking into how to spot illnesses. Observe the general behavior of the bird. If there is a change in how active it is, it may be a sign that there is a problem going on. Also check the bird droppings. If there is change in color and consistency, it could be an indication that the bird is sick. When these are observed, have them checked at once by your vet.

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