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What happens to my bird ,it suddenly limp ?!

It often happens with weak bird suddenly limp, drooping at the bottom of the cage as lame. While in the feed, birds also did not want to touch or eat it. If this happens to your pet bird, it is generally caused by lack of intake of minerals, especially calcium.

Mineral deficiency one could make the bird drop. Because without enough minerals, vitamins and other food can not be treated well in the digestive system and metabolism of birds. When the bird drop conditions will then appear anemic attack, where the birds will be very limp, limp as limp. Antibiotics are usually not able to help because it is not caused by microbial attack. The thing you need to do is:
1. Overcome by giving vitamin B12 anemia or vitamin B complex or multivitamin other great content B12.
2. Birds should still get good food intake. Only, during the normal digestive system is not functioning, it would be difficult for him to get enough energy to survive.
3. If the bird is still eating and he is an insect eater, just give Kroto with sprinkled multivitamin, for example BirdVit. Do not dilute with water daam multivitamin would expect birds to drink because of the way it will be in vain, only a few will swallowed.
4. Keep feeding anything into the digestive tract of birds in no way be held. Because, in a state bird drop, if held would like jerks because they do not have a maze and it can cause death. Birds in a state hospital, if the pressure in the chest can simply choke and die in our hands.
5. The Feed feed the birds on the bird that was dropped, can be performed using an injection tip is replaced with a small hose. Drip-drops of food / drink what will be given to the birds of the upper beak in the hope there is a part that goes into the mouth and swallowed the bird.

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